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Gravity Shopper - Space by FoxHound
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Type: Other Rubber
Size: 2400 x 2400, 724KB
WSC file: Download
Tags: Black Hole, Shoppa, Orbit, BlackHole, Moon, cbh
Play this map with the scheme above!! The scheme received a small update: added a small, but significative value (0.00085) of air viscosity to avoid infinite loops.
Map for the scheme known as Black Hole Shopper.
The map received graphics improvements made by Danelius (Genreakablind at the time), but FoxHound decided to modify the map using MS Paint one more time, to add some texts that turned the graphics not as perfect, and then Danelius refused to upgrade it again and to be credited in the comments. In a 2021 TUS thread about Black Hole Shopper, FoxHound decided to reveal the person responsible for the graphics upgrade (Danelius knows this).
Gravity Shopper, Black Hole Shopper or Orbit Shopper is a Shopper but with Black Hole. In this map you can choose if you want the AFR rule or not.
Original map: #41733
Added on: 9th September 2009, 06:02
Downloads: 417
Comments: 2 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.
Worth: 6 EXP
Features: Remix, Clumsy, Good graphics, Original, Themed. (complain/suggest)