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Beef Race 3.0 by Apocalypse, Cueshark

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Type: Other
Size: 1920 x 696, 66KB
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Tags: Beef, Beef Race, Remix

My third and hopefully final revision of Cueshark's Beef Race game. Scoreboards have been added for up to 6 teams, the scoring areas reverted to their original denominations, any plops removed, and the cow's drop zone was made small and level enough to destroy them without affecting the scorekeeper worms.
For those of you new to the game mode, one must rope onto the leftmost wall, release a series of Mad Cows, and then fling (fly) yourself into the group of cows aiming to use the explosion to knock your worm into one of the scoring areas. The scoreboard is an optional feature, though Worm Selects were included to accomodate those who wish to use it. The winning score can be decided by the players - this map's maximum is 1,000 points.
Added on: 11th September 2009, 23:24
Downloads: 305
Comments: 3 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: Remix. (complain/suggest)