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Apocalypse-Rocket MineBomber by Apocalypse, RoadRocket

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Type: Other Rubber
Size: 3840 x 1392, 538KB
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Tags: Apocalypse-Rocket, Series, Comics, MineBomber

A relatively old (but definitely dead) game brought over from Worms World Party called MineBomber. It wasn't the most thoughtful game, but it beat Holy Wars.
The object is to plop your opponents out of a bowl-shaped map using only mines and jet packs. Ordinarily, this would be impossible, but because this mode involves SDET, most or all of the strategy involves taking advantage of mine piles. Simple enough that most people should grasp the concept after their first turn. The only thing that's illegal in this game is autotap programs, so keep an eye out for those.
Added on: 11th September 2009, 23:38
Downloads: 326
Comments: 0 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 2 users.
Worth: 2 EXP
Features: Not-so-good graphics, Themed. (complain/suggest)