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Super Mario Bros. Rope for Weapons by Apocalypse

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Type: Other
Size: 3840 x 2784, 184KB
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Tags: Rope for Weapons, RfW, Mario, SMB

My latest and greatest map, the Super Mario Bros. Rope for Weapons, the final installation in the 3-part SMB map series. :D
Not a whole lot to say, if you've read the rules on my previous map. If not, go read them either there or here on the map - the scheme is included below. As far as I can tell I've fixed/removed all major flaws in the map's base design and weapon placement, but please feel free to notify me if you think otherwise. The map was made only about a week ago.
Also, I should mention a little host's choice here. Playing with TestStuff allows the use of batty ropes, as well as all the ground weapons (which I usually find more fun), but playing without it allows you to fling drop weapons without them bouncing back, like the Super Banana, which turns into a deadly weapon when used as such.
Added on: 11th September 2009, 23:51
Downloads: 277
Comments: 2 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 2 users.
Worth: 7 EXP
Features: Good graphics, Original, Themed, Sprites. (complain/suggest)