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Super Mario Bros. Walk for Weapons by Apocalypse

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Type: Walk for Weapons
Size: 1920 x 792, 58KB
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Tags: Walk for Weapons, WfW, Mario, SMB

The first in my 3-part Super Mario Bros. map series, followed by the SMB FfW and RfW maps. This is quite easily the most tactical of the three and (time to be an arrogant prick) my personal favorite WfW map.
This map is somewhat different from most WfW's in that it's very isolated. I've given a great deal of thought to the weapon placement and played/tested it enough times over the past year or so that I can safely say that most or all of the flaws have been resolved. This is, technically, an oversized map by 96 pixels. People had been complaining about not being able to make out the bottom row of weapons, so I was forced to add an extra row in order to make them more visible, then another two so that I could fit the rope space rules in there. That said...
People are often confused about the inclusion of a Rope space on this map--I figured it would be self-explanitory, but I might have been a bit presumptuous. In order to use the rope space, you must rope both from and off of the square, meaning you'll have to jump backwards to pull it off. You can't rope off another area just by standing on the Rope space and you can't rope onto the Rope space if you're standing at a distance. Apparently, people have also complained that they don't have the right scheme for this. While my personal opinion favors Full Wormage-like WfW schemes, this opinion doesn't seem to be a popular one, so for the sake of clarity I've included my own personal WfW scheme with this map. Enjoy.
V1.1: Added a Shotgun tile and some firing lines after deciding the homing weapons weren't guarded enough.
V1.2: Modified the scheme slightly so that Ropes have a power of 1, and thus have only one shot (later fixed this after realizing that Power-1 Ropes can't be fired horizontally).
V1.3: Made a variety of changes to the Bowser-themed area in the top-left after deciding that too much of it was invulnerable.
V1.4: Touched up the weapons graphics, fixed the Bowser area, added the rope space rules, and slapped my logo on there.
V1.5: Touched up graphics all throughout the map (mostly problems with black space) to make it look cleaner.
Added on: 12th September 2009, 00:16
Downloads: 425
Comments: 7 (read/write)
Worth: 2 EXP
Features: Unimaginative, Themed, Sprites. (complain/suggest)