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CheetahTetrisTower by Cheetah

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Type: Tower Race
Size: 1600 x 20000, 379KB

Tags: Cheetah, Tetris, Tower, Tuna


 7.00 (3)
 7.33 (3)
 7.67 (3)

Difficulty as rated by players: 4/10 "Moderate"

This is a classic enclosed vertical tower that might appeal to the purists. It is HIGHLY recommended you play this tower with mines, hitpoints on and with a rampant water rising scheme. The map has been designed so that when you hit mines you'll ricoquet about, which makes it a dangerous yet fun map to play.

It is impossible to plop on this map (Except by flooding)

This map is not in CheetahMegaMapPackV2 and is unique to WMDB.

Added on: 3rd November 2009, 09:21
Downloads: 5619

Comments: 5 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 4 users.

Worth: 5 EXP

Features: Elaborate, Themed. (complain/suggest)