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CheetahCastleRedux by Cheetah

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Type: Tower Race
Size: 4192 x 23888, 1492KB

Tags: Cheetah, Castle, Redux, Difficult, Hard


 7.00 (1)
 9.00 (1)
 9.00 (1)

Difficulty as voted by players: 8/10 "Insane!"

This is a new map that is not present in the CheetahMegaMapPackV2. It is a new map that was finished today. There is alot of love for the castle maps, in fact, I see them hosted much more than my other maps. The castle maps are not towers as in they are a race to the finish. Castle maps are a test of survival by using your roping skills, as such this map is best played with a mined tower scheme and rampant water rising scheme.

WARNING: Map has been designed to plop people from start to finish.

WARNING2: You will need to enable batty unless you are REALLY good and fast at roping and by REALLY good I mean that most WA are not at that level yet.

Added on: 4th November 2009, 00:29
Downloads: 5769

Comments: 5 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 3 users.

Worth: 7 EXP

Features: Elaborate, Good graphics, Themed. (complain/suggest)