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Worms 1.89-D by PaulPower

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Type: Other
Size: 2200 x 2200, 92KB

Tags: fractal, sierpinski carpet, fractional dimensions



Some Guy: "What we need is Worms 2.5-D!"
Some Other Guy: "But you can't have fractional dimensions!"
Me: "Well in a sense fractals have fractional dimensions..."

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Worms 1.89-D on a Sierpinski Carpet map! With Hausdorff dimension log(8)/log(3) = 1.89 (2dp) (because you need 8 of them to make one 3 times the size), this map is here to serve all your fractional dimension needs.

Granted it might not be that playable. Expect lots of blowtorching, drilling and moles. Someone I showed the map to suggested that a Mole Shopper might work here. I'm sure you resourceful fellows will think of something.

There's a whole bunch of explanation as to why this isn't just straightforward 2D: see either the comments or #10934

For further information, see

Added on: 9th November 2009, 11:02
Downloads: 205

Comments: 6 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.

Worth: 5 EXP

Features: Original. (complain/suggest)