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CheetahCrystalTower_Smaller by Cheetah

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Type: Tower Race
Size: 1600 x 14872, 489KB

WSC file: Download

Tags: Doben, Eats, Many, Tuna, Fish, Tags


 6.50 (2)
 7.00 (2)
 6.00 (2)

Difficulty as voted by players: 3/10 "Fair"

This map has had it's dimensions reduced by 16.64% so it makes it easier for people to see upcoming obstacles. (Because I spoil you lot.) I think I erased all the stray pixels but let me know if you suddenly bump into dark pixels while flying.

Okay first off, I don't agree with the difficulty rating here, but this is the average of the six players that voted so oh well. We're going spulunking this time in some weird cave inhabited by nuclear missile launching caterpillers. This map is in the classic format, but I've drawn the crystals onto the map in such a way that it'll test your launch skills, flagpoling can help, but less than on other towers. To get to the finish, try using a fly. It's supposed to be hard to tap the finish line.

This map is best played with a rampant water rising scheme and with mines on. The Cheetah Tower Flood Mines scheme below is a good scheme to use, adjust the sudden death timer depending on skill and number of players. (1 worm per team)

Added on: 2nd December 2009, 04:10
Downloads: 5183

Comments: 8 (read/write)

Worth: 5 EXP

Features: Original. (complain/suggest)