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Safari Roperace by sheldon

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Type: Rope Race
Size: 4504 x 3248, 1080KB

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Tags: bigRR big rope race



Sup, another linear bigRR from me - apologies but I like them ;D

This one's safari-themed.. It has a new idea introduced of choosing your own path in some sections.

The map is in 112 colours as I intend for it to be played with a black background (press insert until the background is black).

3 worms are recommended but 2 will be enough for a large game (4+ people).

It looks like a large map but is pretty tight (good practice to move onto ttrr) and finishes pretty quickly.

The map can be a bit evil but don't think about your route too much as it will only slow you down - all of the optional paths do not take away add any or much time!

I've included a recommended bigRR scheme as many people play with mines and retreat weapons. Please don't use any of those on my map as it's tight and designed for simple non-retreat 30s turns.


Added on: 17th December 2009, 19:42
Downloads: 1693

Comments: 6 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 2 users.

Worth: 3 EXP

Features: None. (complain/suggest)

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