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▪ Orodreth's Assembly ▪ by Lei

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Type: Pod Shopper
Size: 2800 x 1800, 320KB

Tags: Castlevania, NOOE, Reanimate, Aeterna


 9.00 (6)
 9.00 (6)
 9.40 (5)

"So upward I made my way, through the dust and the cracks
'Til the pinnacle I reached, spilt the contents of my flask
With the life that was once, both the brave and the dread
May these scales rise up again, with new hope - may they be led."

- Orodreth, First wizard council of Aeterna

Here's a shopper map for you guys. Hopefully, it will pass as a podshop. xD

The map was designed in such a way as to encourage speed-roping
as well as allow a multitude of roping tricks to be performed.
This map begs for you to do some killer mexi's (upload a replay so I can see, please?). :D

▪ Specifics:
- 64 colors (I hate budgeting colors T.T)
- Cheese background

▪ Suggested scheme setup:
~ 20 or 25s shopper (preferably w/o the longbow weapon)
~ 15 or 20s shopper with battyrope activated (/batty)
~ 25 or 30s shopper with TestStuff activated (/ts)
***Additional rules may be: AFA, SBA, FBA
***For AFA shopper set up, you may want to use the scheme from this
***For the FBA additional rule, you may choose to fly over some structures such as the bottom and/or top recognizable structures :D

Open to comments, questions, and suggestions.
Looking forward to some feedback. Thanks!
GL & HF!


Added on: 25th January 2010, 07:48
Downloads: 1785

Comments: 14 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 12 users.

Worth: 9 EXP

Features: Elaborate, Good graphics, Original, Sprites. (complain/suggest)