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▪ Starcrumb ▪ by Lei

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Type: WxW Shopper
Size: 2000 x 856, 108KB

Tags: NOOE, Ruin, RSS, Aeterna



"Peeled from the mystic ruins of the stars."

-Ancient inscription

- 64 colors
- Desert background
- Top cavern type

A w6w I made late last year. Partially based from doben's RSS and XuLiz' Simple w4w.
This map is most probably going to my Private maps soon (for obvious reasons), and I just thought to
let it feel the warmth of judging eyes before I lock it in its proper place. lol.

For those of you who like the traditional wxw style, I hope you enjoy. ;)

GL & HF!


Added on: 21st February 2010, 08:13
Downloads: 545

Comments: 23 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 3 users.

Worth: 9 EXP

Features: Elaborate, Good graphics, Original, Sprites. (complain/suggest)