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BungeeIslands by BigBoaz
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Type: Fort
Size: 1920 x 1920, 110KB
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Welcome to the bungee island forts! :P
Can be playd as a Bungee Fort wich is a new scheme that i made up
the rules are:
-To Invade you must use bungee to fly
-Use rope only to move around!
1. If you know the one you are playing agenst is a bungee pro in the first turn just shoot a zook and destroy his bungee fly place.
2. if the persone who you are playing agenst has got all his worms in ur fort and is destroying it just move 1 of ur worms to his clean fort and than he is stuck with the all messd up fort
3. Dont move all of ur worms to the other players fort!
2. if the persone who you are playing agenst has got all his worms in ur fort and is destroying it just move 1 of ur worms to his clean fort and than he is stuck with the all messd up fort
3. Dont move all of ur worms to the other players fort!
I had this idea for long.The 2 mud blobs add to the gameplay :P
Added on: 23rd February 2010, 06:24
Downloads: 650
Comments: 4 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.
Worth: 5 EXP
Features: Original, Sprites. (complain/suggest)