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Forts From Scratch by Drumstick

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Type: Fort
Size: 1920 x 696, 3KB

WSC file: Download

Tags: Fail, epic fail



This map might go private very soon, so comments are most welcome.

Well I thought I invented a scheme there. I was even about to submit it to the worms scheme contest. I was ready, I had all my things gathered, then I found THIS: :(( At least, it pointed me a most important rule: no girders in the no mans land. Before posting my map, I also found this: [url]//[/url]. Why am I still posting this? No one in all my years of Worms gaming never ever even mentioned this scheme, and I think it's pretty fun to play, so don't miss out.

So. The rules are:

Use every of your 6 girder packs before attacking (NOTE: the scheme I provide with this map is made for 1vs1 (!wsdb 943). If you want to play a 2vs2, use #944 and for 3vs3: #945. I don't know why, but the weapons unlock at a different time whether you're in teams or not. You could just use the 1vs1 scheme and use all your girder packs even if your weapons are unlocked :P).

Place girders only in your territory, delimited by the white lines. No girders in the no mans land.

No invading/fishing.

Added on: 3rd March 2010, 21:17
Downloads: 216

Comments: 5 (read/write)

Worth: 4 EXP

Features: Clumsy, Original. (complain/suggest)