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Kira_vs_L_FINAL_w4w by zore

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Type: WxW Shopper
Size: 1920 x 1536, 157KB

Tags: Deathnote, death, note, w4w, yagami, light, kira



Hello everyone.
After many changes and fallen nerves... i can present you the final version of this map.
Please overwrite your older version with the final version. Expect you dont like the final ;)

Late Changes:
- Colors changed to cyan & white
- Patterns changed to "not so different to others"
- Textures changed like Patterns
- Pictures changed to cleaner ones.
- opend the shape for more path choosing possibility. (i guess possibility is spelled wrong ...) // Thanks to doben & kuvasz & BigBoaz
- added some hides
- added background (farm)

Guess thats all.

Thanks to everybody that suported me in the making of this map.
Enjoy this Map.



Ok guys ...
This is the alpha version now.
Changed the whole textures and colors. added some more details.
Still cant get the colours clean as i want them...
Wallnummbers are now Dots. Changed the bottom font.
Hope i got it lock more technologic. I'll only upload a finaly version if i think the map is done. and in the actually case it isnt...

Thanks for all your help!
This Map is dedicated to all you friendly helpers from wmdb. :D

I've been trying many stuff this day.
So this came out.
[/color]I wouldnt be suprised if it ears a unimaginative feature since the dither messed up so many graphics. I tryed many many times to fix the graphics but next time... i will use less details or textures to keep the colors down.
Back to the Map.
Sry BigBoaz n' sheldon it is not Princess Mononoke or Toroto couse i dont want to waste the Images on a Testmap.
Anyway i raised the difficulty and the Shape-Layout this time. took some times to finish the hides couse sometimes ... the worm wasnt able to enter the hide. I think i've got it bugfree now. Also i tryed to make it a bit straighter than the two befor. Hope it worked ~_~
Ok this is it for now. Just tell me wich ideas you like and wich not. What should i change and what should i left like it is.
Oh almost forgoten:
Thanks to OntwerpExpert and Rodent for my inspiration on some parts. ^^
OntwerpExpert plz dont say something like "stealer" couse i took the idea with the deepeffect of the shape parts from your map you submitet lately.

Added on: 1st April 2010, 02:26
Downloads: 425

Comments: 33 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 4 users.

Worth: 9 EXP

Features: Elaborate, Good graphics, Original, Themed. (complain/suggest)