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Surf Fly 60 sec - Galhound by Ponty

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Type: Surf Shopper
Size: 3200 x 1280, 310KB

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Tags: surf, fly, anime, masamune, shirow


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Surf Fly for your TS roping pleasure. 60 sec. Similar layout as my previous surfs inlcuding safety shores, lowered plop chances, well-placed dots for sexy rope moves and balanced rules. SFS/AFR rule system is explained in pictures on the map for the sake of simplicity. I upped my surf scheme, because SFS is best played with homing shots, and this scheme has it.

This map (like my previous surfs) involves the SFS (Shores From Surf), or you could say AFS (Attack From Surf) rule which is used the following way: you either use AFR or you use SFS. the position of your target will decide which you need to use for your attack.

simple stuff: if your target is on the lower platforms (water level) - you must use SFS (you must attack from surfing - or in the air which is immediately followed by surfing, no more ropes shot). if your target is not on the lowest level (water level), then it's AFR. this rule system was developed for even the very first surf map for game balance purposes. it should have stayed that way and pros wouldnt say surf is a noob scheme...

3D stuff were made in 3DS max by me, and the anime lady was drawn by Masamune Shirow (artist of Ghost In The Shell). I used PS CS3 to finish the map.

Added on: 10th April 2010, 20:42
Downloads: 1257

Comments: 10 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.

Worth: 5 EXP

Features: Good graphics. (complain/suggest)