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Multischeme Roping - RR/TTRR by -Katie-

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Type: Rope Race
Size: 3840 x 1536, 454KB
Tags: small rr, TTRR

My Ultimate Map- The Roper Addict Roperace
This Has to be one of my best if not the best map i have done. I have worked for 2 and a bit weeks on this.
I have designed it so it can be a Rope race, And a time trial. As far as rope races go it would be considered small. That is why a host could set 4 worms per player
and a goal to have as many worms reach the end to determine the winner. I have been told that this may promote safe roping, but ofcourse this is up to the hosts discretion.
I have put dividers at start ( bottom left) so each player can place their own worms without being blocked. Also if you are feeling cheeky and using one worm you can put them
onto the poles for a quick start.
Tunnels have been purposely made wide and then tight in some regions, this is to enhance difficulty.
Overall this is a 3/5 difficulty map rope wise, and any decent roper should have no problem! I have tested this map and it plays very well.
My colour selection again, is very Katja-Style, but i have tried to incorporate a more Simplified and general theme without too many of my crazy colours or the like.
Textures, warnings and cliff warnings have been put in not just to warn and help, but also to brighten the map up.
I really REALLY hope this one is taken well and liked, As it Rox!! And yeah, if you like it Please comment, It would make it all worth it!!!
Added on: 28th April 2010, 16:32
Downloads: 1395
Comments: 2 (read/write)
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: None. (complain/suggest)