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startatadtuprightfromdownleft by scarface011606

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Type: Rope Race
Size: 9000 x 6000, 431KB

Tags: bigmap, open, bigrr, big, scarface



start is a smudge upright from bottom left; text 'Start' will let you know you're in right spot...use the tube to start, place worm's head so touching ceiling to avoid stacking of worms;

some fun spots for mexis or dragons, the one fly not hard but use your instinct when you should try and relink (will be a few secs)......hope the hands help as indicator where parts end, as well as the 'don't plop' text, that you'll see just before you encounter them
map on a scale 1-10 (10 being impossible).........I'd say map is a 3, lol, maybe 4


Added on: 7th May 2010, 04:17
Downloads: 1321

Comments: 2 (read/write)

Worth: 3 EXP

Features: None. (complain/suggest)

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