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Pixel Hell by scarface011606

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Type: Rope Race
Size: 9000 x 6000, 2186KB
Tags: pixel hell, silly, scarface, bigmap, big map

I know not many people read this, but here few things about the map if you interested :)
photoshop cs4 to make map
map size 9000x6000
file size 2.13 mb :(sry, but u want fx kind of what happens):
proly spent an easy 4hrs making map, spaced out between 3 days
another 45 minutes on that cleaning up pixels, adding text/arrows
This map will take you awhile to finish, i wouldn't host if looking for a quick race; i predict there will be some quitting....
Tried to inlcude arrows this time to help keep you going in the right direction; just hope they're not in the way.....3 pixel hell parts- one you have to get down thru, one you have to get across, and one you have to get up; all three you CAN get thru, just some dots you cant get between (:wouldn't be pixel hell, if you could just get thru in a jiffy; will take a turn or two, and you may have to walk/link/walk/etc :)
two plops which are labeled, two flys which are labeled, longer ttrr sections, one start and one finish......though finish is above those devilish dots
****banana cannons, and the one surf by start are fails; didn't intend for them to be, i'm just having trouble making decent ones- will fix and reupload when of map is fine*****
gL & hF
Ps. Hope you like that map is pixel hell; next time will be pixels not dots!!! ; D
Added on: 28th May 2010, 04:36
Downloads: 1496
Comments: 9 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: None. (complain/suggest)