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HypnoBlue3x1 WxW by D_Wormkiller

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Type: WxW Shopper
Size: 1920 x 712, 61KB

Tags: WxW w2w w4w w6w D_Wormkiller



This is my last map before taking some holiday. This time I decided to concentrate on WxW and, as you noticed, I used Photoshop to create it. Strange uh? Well, seen originality isn't well considered as graphics, I decided to be traditional and create a decent map.
However, creativity can't be stopped so I created a 3x1 WxW. In few words, you can play a w2w, w4w or a w6w match with this map.
The instructions are indicated in the right square, but I tell you the rules here:

- w2w: touch the green walls
- w4w: touch the red walls
-w6w: touch all the walls

As you noticed, this isn't a very hard map, but it's good to practice or to test in a w6w match.

PS: I created also a version with a spiral in the center but it resulted too much difficult.

Added on: 22nd June 2010, 17:37
Downloads: 226

Comments: 8 (read/write)

Worth: 3 EXP

Features: None. (complain/suggest)