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The Awesome Invasion by D_Wormkiller

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Type: Shopper
Size: 1936 x 704, 112KB

Tags: the awesome invasion shopper shoppa D_Wormkiller



This map has been created starting from an ispiration, or better from an image. I saw in the internet a stupid smiley face and I told myself: "Wow, why not annoy the poor people in WMDB with it?" And so, from this idea, I generated a map with the aid of Photostudio and Paint.
The scenario is held in a true and massive invasion of awesome faces. The hypothetic president looking for votes, worms being "Awesomyzed" and the lonely survivors are looking for some repair into houses closed for scare.
In this situation you've been called to play a shopper where there are some plop holes, repairs and some "Awesome" place where to go.

I hope you enjoy it.

Added on: 23rd June 2010, 23:38
Downloads: 230

Comments: 3 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.

Worth: 2 EXP

Features: Not-so-good graphics. (complain/suggest)