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WFW+BNG by wowwow
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Type: Walk for Weapons
Size: 1920 x 696, 28KB
WSC file: Download
Tags: WFW, BNG, Walk for weapons
This map was made with Paint and GIMP.
Its not normal WFW because there are only Bazookas (5 power) , Grenades (5 power) , Bungee , Low Gravity , Change Worm and Teleport.
There are some rules written in the map :
•5 Worms
•There are Gold bungees , If you are on one you can throw a grenade or bazooka from it
•Teleport only to another teleport box (normal rule)
•Don't need to follow BNG's rules (sitter grenade , move the sight , direct zooka shot , etc)
There are some parts that can be hard to jump with(out) Low gravity , so its a good BattleRace practise too.
So lets play , and show them your WFW and BNG' skills
Sorry if my english is bad
Please use scheme i givo you here.
Edit1 : Changed rules letters in map
Added on: 6th July 2010, 01:08
Downloads: 1444
Comments: 4 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: None. (complain/suggest)