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The Ragnarok (Shopper+DM) v 1.1 by D_Wormkiller

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Type: Shopper
Size: 1920 x 856, 53KB
Tags: The ragnarok shopper shoppa Deathmatch other

As promised long ago, I decided to make a step back and making the maps following my own handdrawn style. This time I didn't use paint, instead I created the whole background with Photostudio.
The scene takes place in the hypothetic and legendary Ragnarok, the end of the world as known by the Vikings.
Following the legends and the stories, Ragnarok is the moment in which evil divinities, descending to Earth with flame stones flying through the sky, are going to kill the whole humanity.
So that's the reason I represented the viking worms facing two of the divinities who have taken a wormish aspect.
This map can be played in two different styles:
- SHOPPA: The two meteorites, the lateral staffs with a green flag, the many hidden places and the two plops are some of the elements that transform this battle into a field for shopper, allowing expert players to do some particular tricks.
- DEATHMATCH: The complexity of the ground, the feeling of being part of the battle, the possible strategies you can plan in this map are some of the features that makes this map a perfect area where to play a quick deathmatch, expecially intermediate style or a hysteria.
As always, graphics are been sacrificed for the originality and the elaboration of details (like the viking protecting with his shield or the black slave worm crying for his nearly death).
Update to version 1.1
- Increased the number of meteorites from 2 to 5. The stones have been put in the highest part of the map like creating a roof.
- The map is now 160 pixels higher than before, allowing you to move correctly on the map
Added on: 6th July 2010, 21:32
Downloads: 849
Comments: 3 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: None. (complain/suggest)