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Project Key->Zu mein Herz~ by -Katie-

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Type: Shopper
Size: 3840 x 1536, 242KB

Tags: Shopper, Wormkit, "Double, size"


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: Project Key:

Please note: Not a submarine... repeat.. not a submarine : )

Here is my Project Key map Aka - > Key to my heart.

The key shape idea came from an Image I saw of a Key a few weeks back on Google... I tried to see if I could incorporate the key as a base shape but due to my comp dying a month or two back and I haven’t got around to reinstalling all my bazillion GB of Self made and Commercial Plugins for P.S that idea was cancelled, so I had to remake the key design myself.

Had a lot of problems with wall dimensions and "bending" as I don’t have a tool to do that so liquefy tool had to do and it can be seen in some places where the liquefy over extended the walls.

Along with my Own personal brand of colour design (Copywrite Katja :P ) I browsed some maps on WMDB for ideas as at the time I wasn’t sure if this was to be a shopper or Wxw and wether I would do normal size (1920x768) or Double size (3840x1536).

This map comprises of 742 Layers. Yes 742 so it’s quite plain to see how much works gone into it : ) I would love to be able to make lovely clean Spartan maps like the rest of you but every time I try to they end up failing so I stick to what I know best : )

After looking along I thought the "City" type ideas are good as everyone on here seems to like to be able to rope knock into certain places and then use weaps to do a kill (I refuse to use the P word the rest of you use) So rather than taking the noob way out and copy- pasting someone else’s map which sux and id be ashamed like anyone who copy-pastes should be) I decided to go go about redesigning those sections (Bottom left, bottom far right and upper right)

The biggest problem by far was bordering. As a lot of the great maps on here have (Baka, City Etc) I wanted to do bordering on all perimeters to maintain a clean cut effect... After spending days and days zooming up to 500% and pixel by pixel cleaning and border making I found a lovely new tool on Photoshop (new for me anyway) called stroke.. I recommend it

(Magic wand tool or select tool -> Edit/-> Stroke)

And then, I found that because of my lovely colourness certain areas refused to border properly so that may lead to a unclean look and therefore "Clumsy" rating, but Just so you know there’s a lot of pixels in a double sized shopper map and I tried my best with every single one of them - >Carpal tunnel FTW)

The Funky girl head down the bottom is Lady gaga courtesy of Google and the River Nymph girl is From a Tube from a friend of mine who’s a graphicy Person.

I have thoroughly tested this map and Thanks to
BTSxMetacooler , no crates or worms spawn in places they shouldn’t which is a big Sigh of relief because that problem is one I still haven’t mastered.
As I said I have thoroughly tested this map (this is the one I found the wormkit glitch on) and have calculated average crate Grab from any position, Attack, Retreat and Knocking.

Average crate grab: 10 Seconds
Average Attack/knock Combo: 8 Seconds
Average retreat: 4 seconds

Totals: 22 seconds

This is probably surprising as it is a double sized map although does not utilise all 3840x1536 dimensions though so it makes for a nice map to play. Wormkit should not be needed on here and there are plenty of retreat places.

To sum up : this is the map I have put the most focus on ever and I hope to keep the rest of my maps as same or higher quality in the future

- Again please click to view fullscreen as the preview makes it look foogly :P -

Njoi :)


Added on: 11th July 2010, 09:32
Downloads: 1726

Comments: 12 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.

Worth: 5 EXP

Features: Original. (complain/suggest)