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Control the King by LordFalcon

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Type: Other
Size: 5000 x 2000, 521KB

Tags: control the king



Control the King is a fusion of Capture the Flag and Boom race. Each team starts at respective starts. Your mission is to attack the king(s), and take them to your start point. If you do, you've captured the king. Control most kings to win!

1x1 or 2x2

-the Kings are represented by another team. They are actually normal worms, so they can be moved. They must be placed at the King's room.

-the Kings aren't allowed to move. The player controlling the kings must skip the turn, when the king's team turn arrives.

-Captured kings cannot be uncaptured, so don't care about removing kings from your opponent team's start.

(Sorry for bad graphics, i'm going to make another CTK map later.)

GL and HF =)

Added on: 1st August 2010, 23:55
Downloads: 149

Comments: 4 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.

Worth: 3 EXP

Features: None. (complain/suggest)