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THeDecent by scarface011606

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Type: Rope Race
Size: 6000 x 6000, 810KB

Tags: decent, scarface



File size 800kb
Fairly quick race(10 mins or so with 3 ppl)

down down you go to the finish.....not too many plops up top, but beware as you near the bottom ;)
havent tested map yet, might need few adjustments, just letme know if you run into any problems.....

Plan on being on tomorrow if anyone interested in a race, catch me if you can at 8am eastern
***was able to test, first fly not the best to fly traditionally, but can be mexied, other then that didnt notice any other problems.

Added on: 29th August 2010, 20:54
Downloads: 1329

Comments: 5 (read/write)

Worth: 3 EXP

Features: None. (complain/suggest)