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TesterMan69 Big Tower Race by TesterMan69
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Type: Tower Race
Size: 8000 x 20000, 6849KB
Tags: testerman, tower, race, rope
10.00 (5)
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10.00 (5)
Description:10.00 (5)
10.00 (5)
Hi ropers!
This is my first map and took me some time to finish it. I hope you have fun playing it.
Besides being one of the larger maps, I have tried to include some new things like the longest fly so far (the first real Weeeee of the history), an area of combo flys, a fly roller, a w6w, a different ending, and so on.
Btw, before saying that the file is too large, you should play the map ;)
Enjoy it! Cya in WormNet!
fghlflhfglhfglhflhl ^^
[16/09/2010]: Deleted some pixels, fixed some typos and added a Surf.
Added on: 12th September 2010, 20:28
Downloads: 4384
Comments: 31 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 11 users.
chief, chovas, DarKAnGeL, DENnis, DonMega, Drumstick, Impossible, MasterShake, MEDVEDxEvilPunk, popaso, Skum
Worth: 9 EXP
Features: Elaborate, Good graphics, Original. (complain/suggest)