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Beat The Sheep - Episode 1 by Cueshark

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Type: Other
Size: 12800 x 6960, 787KB

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Tags: Beat The Sheep Rope Race


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Welcome to my Beat The Sheep map.

If you're not already familiar with this scheme then the best intro is probably to watch it in action.

I decided to add optional checkpoints to this map which is a good idea if you plan to play this online with other people. No more waiting for up to 255 seconds per turn.

I've also added a pro route and a normal route on the final stage which means ropers of all skill levels will be able to enjoy this map and have a chance to beat the sheep!

There is a section of blue blocks near the start. You will see a blank certificate waiting to be handed to the first person who finishes this map from beginning to end in one turn :) Hopefully all the certificate spaces will eventually be taken!

I really hope people enjoy this map as this has been an epic mission to complete for all sorts of reasons. Many changes, scrapped ideas, complete overhauls and hundreds of tests to try and get this map to work properly. I'm sure it was no different when NAiL made his map too.

Good luck beating the sheep and be sure to leave your feedback so I can improve things in time for Episode 2!!!


Took away pixelated edges and added Dulek's winning certificate.

Congrats Dulek for beating the sheep with 4 seconds left on the clock! I'll give you something to beat soon I hope :<
*edit* My time added :<
*edit* Mablak's time added :<
*edit* Random's time added :<

Cue :<

Added on: 19th September 2010, 03:17
Downloads: 465

Comments: 21 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 4 users.

Worth: 7 EXP

Features: Elaborate, Original. (complain/suggest)