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Hunter by PePaR
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Type: Other
Size: 1920 x 696, 31KB
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Tags: PePaR, Hunter
Hunter game.
I made this a year or so ago, never uploaded it though. Its a normal kinda game, no rules.
Terrain is indestructible. 30 seconds. Weapon Crates drop each turn.
Starting weapons: inf bow, inf fast walk, inf worm select, inf chute.
You can cover bit less than half the the map in one turn.
This makes it into a strategic kinda game based on travel, get a crate or attack or, etcetra.
Scheme + Map.
2 worms seem to make a good game.
Added on: 20th September 2010, 09:11
Downloads: 105
Comments: 1 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.
Worth: 2 EXP
Features: Not-so-good graphics. (complain/suggest)