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WxW Kingdom by OGTM

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Type: WxW Shopper
Size: 7960 x 4112, 1527KB

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Tags: warmer, race, itchy, scratchy



Map divided into 16 WxW sections with 59 walls:
- Warmer
- WxW Race (Start to Finish touching the 59 walls)
- New: Itchy & Scratchy
Aim: Be the last one standing
Rules: WxW, AFR, KTL
Scheme: 1 Worm, Zooka, No fall damage (optional)
Description: First player (leader) must escape from the rest by touching every wall (as in WxW Race) and get as far as he can during his turn. Following players must touch the same walls leader touched before attacking him.
Player with the highest HP at the end of each turn gets to be the leader, if all the players have the same HP, leader will be the one closest to the finish.

Based on some of my favourite WxW maps on wmdb, map tuning took more time than what some might think.

Fun Guaranteed.

Added on: 11th October 2010, 14:25
Downloads: 444

Comments: 11 (read/write)

Worth: 5 EXP

Features: Original. (complain/suggest)

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