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The Halloween Garden Remix (AngelTmi88) by Voy4gEuR
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Type: Shopper
Size: 1920 x 696, 278KB
Tags: greece, street, remix, halloween, spooky, creepy
Original map's Source:#6081
I added a new next-gen touch to this alreadyamazingly-detailed-graphics map, I tried to represent a typical halloween theme, cuz it's soon the period of that mind-blowing celebration. The building-structure was entirely manifested, so it gives the old-school brick-house feeling, like if ya were in the 1950s. The flowers and the vines/climbing plants were colorfully retouched and dressed in an enigmatic suit, like if we would be in a surreal world. The marvelous Greek empire took up it's halloween suit already in the ancient times!
Happy halloween, and N'JoyZ! :D
Added on: 20th October 2010, 17:15
Downloads: 110
Comments: 2 (read/write)
Worth: 0 EXP
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