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The Eternal Fight by D_Wormkiller

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Tags: The Eternal Fight Deathmatch Intermediate Survivor




After a long period of pause from creating map, I had another inspiration. In 2 days, I created this map with Paint and partially with Photostudio, deciding to continue with my own graphic style.
You are in the middle of a battle between good and evil. The dark forces, standing in the left side, are leaded by a red magician who summoned several Devil Worms, one of them able to fly. In the right side, we have the light forces, with a giant Archangelic worm leading its troops, fighting their enemy.
I have to admit I thought to create a shopper map at first, but seen how plenty of details and objects it is, I decided to create an own, unique scheme and gametype.


Are you a good player? Are you brave enough to play with just one worm you can use in the field while the others have to sit and wait? This is for you, so: the Survival gametype.

How does it work? Simply said, you have just one worm in the map, called ACTIVE WORM, and a certain number of worms (until 7) that are covered in a waiting room, called SITTER WORMS.
The players have to attack their respective active worms until they die. If an active worm dies, the player must select a sitter worm and teleport him to the field, until he remains without soldiers.
So the winner is the player having still a worm alive.

To get the things easier and fairer, there are some rules to respect:

- The active worms can't go away from the map. In our case, this means you can't get over the clouds or going to the right side, where the waiting rooms are.
- If you take the wrong worm, you'll have infinite select worm utilities, so you can correct your mistake in no time.
- Teleports are obviosly infinite for putting the sitters in the field when they have to replace the dead active soldier.
- People having lost their own active worm will get an immunity from the attack of others until they make their first move with that worm. This is necessary in order to avoid the so said "spawn kills" (in few words, without this rule, you'll risk to lose your only worm in the ground without attacking).
- Some crates are falling in the field, but not only. Some of them could drop over the rules board. In this case, the groups of crates felt there are called CRATE POT. It's just like Poker: chips are represented by crates, with a difference. The pot will go to the player who kills an active worm. But beware: the killer has only a turn to get them and must use one of its sitter worms. Otherwise, he's gonna lose the whole pot and the chance is passing to the follower killer. In few words, players can get their "prize", but at a cost of one turn.
- The sitter worm taking the crate pot is called POT WORM. Once it picked them up, he must be taken over the cloud to the extreme right called POT SITTER. After that, you are allowed to use select worm and pick your active soldier.
- When you have only a worm left, you can put it even over the map, but you can't go on the right side.

Not respecting one of the previous said rules is an act of cowing. This means you have to kill one of your sitter worms and, if you don't have anyone of them, you've lost the match.


I hope to receive positive feedbacks or some constructive comment about the style, what to modify, what to implement, what to remove. Thanks for the attention you're paying for reading this stuff.

PS: Rules can be found in the map too.

Added on: 21st October 2010, 15:58
Downloads: 175

Comments: 9 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.

Worth: 5 EXP

Features: Original. (complain/suggest)