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Xtreme Shopper by LordFalcon

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Type: Shopper
Size: 3416 x 3520, 276KB

Tags: xtreme, shopper, wxw, fly, lordfalcon



This map isn't finished yet.
My workers are having a tough time to finish it, but you should be already able to play it.

Shopper: at least 30 seconds. Reccomended 35 to 40.
Fly shopper: at least 45 seconds.
WxW: 80 or 90 seconds. (Yea it takes THAT long).

I've tested it for a while and was able to keep worms from being spawned at trapped areas, but sometimes they'll land at the roof. I've added some pixels to the roof areas, so you can get off easily. These pixels can be used as hides.

Prototype: Mine Cannon
Forget about those nanas. Pick a scheme which gives you low gravity and unlimited mines level 5. Stand on the "Mine Cannon". Walk to the left edge, and throw the mines down. They can stand together and won't explode. After a nice amount of mines, activate low gravity and drop down. Prepare to fly.

My actual record is a devil fly using 30 mines, low gravity, teststuff and Damage x2. The fly lasted ONLY 58 seconds. The fly distance gauge has shown a negative number until the worm was about to plop. (It is NOT recommended to do this online)

You can pick crates by pumping, too.

P.S.:Sorry I wasn't able to put the WMDB number. Is's going to be added on the Christmas Superpackage (Not exactly at 12/25), where I'm going to upload, I hope, five maps at once, including this one. I'm going to add new hides, remake a few platforms, change sprites and improve pixel flying, so it's a little easier to go up.

GL and HF =)

Added on: 25th October 2010, 03:09
Downloads: 1722

Comments: 0 (read/write)

Worth: 5 EXP

Features: Elaborate, Open, Themed, Sprites. (complain/suggest)