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Arcade City 1 by ViolatoR
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Type: Mole Shopper
Size: 2560 x 928, 293KB
WSC file: Download
Tags: arcade, city, video game, graphics, 8 bit
This city scape is covered in clues to various video games, old and new.
Some of the easy-to-guess ones are Bust-a-Move and Tony Hawk's Underground.
It has 16 holes. Scheme is uber mega explosive for big maps such as this.
Please don't delete this again. :/ Instead, go remove all those identical and poorly made wxws and shoppers, and all the total ripoff maps with no credit to the original authors.
(Speaking of credit, the original picture comes from here: Good luck guessing them all!)
Added on: 26th November 2010, 09:21
Downloads: 1712
Comments: 6 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: None. (complain/suggest)