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Big warmer freestyley by -Katie-

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Type: Warmer
Size: 4480 x 1392, 306KB

Tags: Wamer, Open


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Warmer map made, mostly for fun.. it probably wont win any awards any time soon....

Average ropers might find it a little hard but this is aimed more to the experienced roper who wants to warm up all the crucial things like mexi's, dragons, novas, warlocks, tapping, Long swings and Release-Catching.

the open space off centre to the left upper might be hard to adjust to, but i found sticking objects in there created clutter and stopped warmability.

Standard warmer scheme to be used.


Added on: 27th November 2010, 10:07
Downloads: 716

Comments: 4 (read/write)

Worth: 3 EXP

Features: None. (complain/suggest)