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Deliciously Funky W6w by -Katie-

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Type: WxW Shopper
Size: 1920 x 696, 110KB

Tags: wxw, w6w




I wanted to make a Wxw different to my usual. This was made even more hard by the fact i now have my plugins back and it was Soooooo tempting to just go colour crazy :)

Map is rated at Medium difficulty. Some ropers (or mods) might see the transition from centre upper to centre lower wall to be clumsy. I suggest that you think of non linear roping and add a bit of shopper flair to your roping ( i.e More shadowing less spikes) and you will find this map is doable in 24 seconds or less.

In certain sections i tried to imitate map skills done by Yuurepoer and Xuliz.. and while they didn't quite reach their mark, anyone who knows those guys will recognise :)

The little hilly things were put there for extra hides but also to force non linear roping so the newbies can have a chance too!

map cleaned, Tested and checked for final playability sat 27th nov 2010

End of the worm is nigh image Copywrite team17.


Added on: 27th November 2010, 10:11
Downloads: 3968

Comments: 6 (read/write)

Worth: 7 EXP

Features: Good graphics, Original. (complain/suggest)

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