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Blissful Intricate Decadence-Shopz 2010 by -Katie-

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Type: Shopper
Size: 1592 x 2080, 536KB

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Tags: "Hand drawn", Shopper, Multischeme, Funk


 7.50 (2)
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 8.00 (1)

This is a hand drawn map, and probably the best ive made so far

Based on shopper, but can be used for other schemes if deemed.

Nov 1st:
[color=#008]written in journal

Currently at 85% complete after a few months of work. I was also currently through a tower map but i think my time of 1 year is being generous as I aim to make a map so graphically complex and fun to play that it will never be forgotten, however there is a chance this might be my last map.

Started with multiple drafts based apon simple geometry with protractors and compasses, and then added some flavour. After each draft was done, I cut completed sections out with a razor blade and then glued to another piece of paper and then scanned in.

I'd then add to that image and again razor blade and scissor pieces out and then stick them back on and scan again.. This may seem like a long process but as I am used to saving and Ctrl+Alt+Z to fix errors, I thought it was good to have backups.

After I deemed the drawings complete I scanned into Photoshop with a DPI setting of 24000 which took a few hours to render.

Then used pen tool to trace around the perimeter (Note : image was at 38000Px at the time) to remove any screwups or non purpose shading.

I then repeated the same on the inside which was a lot tougher.

Using Adobe photoshop tools such as Stroke and manually adding pixels back in that were lost in the scanning process.

I will be using either colour FX pro to help add effects and/or using Montage tools to add colour to it. Note: will not be my usual colour base.

Depending on output size (Just enough size to make it playable for multiple people, but not so big that the drawing gets blurred and the file size shoots up too much)

Hopefully people will find this map not only enjoyable to play, but make note of its Elaborate style both play-wise and map making wise. Only fault i can see so far is the lack of gaps where worms can fall through to the water, but yeah....

22nd nov:
might have gone a tad overkill with bevelling and stuff, but consolation prize is two exits where wormies can fall out should they go there.

27th nov:

Map is now clean fully. There is a chance crates may fall on the outside but i am hoping for ppl to do newbie fails so the crates stockpile. The crate prob is prettu much unfixable without taking apart the map which i wont do. That aside, Map re tested, played and working 100%


Added on: 27th November 2010, 10:40
Downloads: 1734

Comments: 20 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.

Worth: 7 EXP

Features: Good graphics, Original. (complain/suggest)

Online People:

KingLoki, Thaddeus