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~Decadent City Shopper~ by -Katie-

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Type: Shopper
Size: 1920 x 768, 252KB
Tags: Proshop, Shopper, LavaZa Coffee

One of two projects. Essentially the 2nd last major map work I'm doing. Ive partially given up on my tower race idea but my last map idea is 10% complete so im aiming for a few months with a few mole shops. maybe a small rr and some other random stuff before the last map is completed.
Decadent City Shopper 2010 : )
I wanted to make a map like Green Baka or City shopper that is memorable but add my own kind of flair to it. Started with a hi res of a $2 American Note and worked from there. Essentially some of the ideas ive done have hindered the map but made it more asthetically pleasing and easier to play.. its all abotu trade-offs :P
For those of you who like to play with a non Black BG, you will find crate masking and the like. I suggest you play with a black BG not only for asthetic purposes but playability wise. Black BG attained by hitting the Insert Button In game.
I wanted to have the whole map playable, with the roof being more open so players can go up top, but the problem of crates appearing in bad places was really evident so i decided to stick with only 4 exits on the map ( two in centre and one either side) while also crate blocking the upper left and right curvy bits. This was done so there would be no crate fails.. so essentially its a kind of trade off.. no crate fails but no roof access.
Usually i go with my unique colour scheme but i decided "less is more" and wanted a B/W with a few selective colours. Then decided to have a light sepia on the perimeter of map while keeping colours. Ditheed down to 112 with only slight colour loss and blurring and kept file size down nicely to sub 300 Kb for fast rendering :)
Map is a bit tight in some sections. It was designed for that purpose and designed for ropers like me who like to rope semi-properly even in shopper, I tried to make it not only graphically elaborate, but play-wise too.. H8ers Gunna H8 : )
Note: This map has been thoroughly tested. It would not be classed as a easy shopper map and for those of you who like a challenge even more; Proshop scheme for fun...
Comments bad or good are welcome just as long as you have read this description and/or played the map before commenting.
Coffees: 17
Tools used: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe lightroom &
Plugins: CreatiV X-treme, Alienskin & Niksoft
Worms sprites taken from rA`Yuurepoer Metal roperace. Id like to have used the sprite pack i had but it went walkabouts so Sawwry Yuri <3 -> Search Yuurepoer on wmdb (if for some reason you don't know his mapz)
Window Sprites (middle left) Found on Google. Ditto to the Unicorn.
As Always...
Added on: 8th December 2010, 08:46
Downloads: 1776
Comments: 14 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.
Worth: 7 EXP
Features: Elaborate, Good graphics, Sprites. (complain/suggest)
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