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Big RR Cool by BoNuS

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Type: Rope Race
Size: 10000 x 4000, 2582KB

Tags: Big Rope Race Bonus Pro Nice clan eVo



start is in the middle of the map!
Finish is on your right at the bottom of the map!

Map contains:
3 patterns
2 flys
7 plop
2 mini rr
10 handicaps

map has at the end SURF-banana and FLY-banana

The recommended amount of worms '3'

Recommended Power banana '3 'due to surf and fly end

Remixed 29-07-2011
Edit: Other location reflections "fly" (previous was too difficult)
Change "No Plop" to "Don't Plop" ("No Plop" by some associated that there is no plop).

Added on: 11th December 2010, 17:34
Downloads: 1390

Comments: 5 (read/write)

Worth: 3 EXP

Features: Sprites. (complain/suggest)