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Mineball(Mine Baseball) by Peti

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Type: Other Rubber
Size: 1920 x 696, 35KB
WSC file:


Goal: to launch the mine from the clearly numbered into the also cleary numbered holes. The winner is the player who manages to clear all holes first.
Rules: Complete all (on my map, 8) checkpoints. The scheme contains /sdet, /ldet, /antisink and /fdpt, so multiple tries in a turn are available.
How exactly?
1. Place the mine.
2. Hit it with the baseball bat.
3. Make sure the mine ends up in the hole .
Multiple tries are allowed, but only one at a time (with one baseball bat hit, in other words); placing and shooting multiple mines are only allowed after at least 3 turns of trying (the mine’s blast radius and damage has been minimized with SchemeEddy).
1 team per person, 1 worm per team.
LG may also be used. The rope is for moving between the checkpoints.
It’s allowed to advance to the next one in the same turn as finishing a checkpoint.
It’s pretty hard to commit a cow here, but the penalty is 1 skipped turn.
Map: Special map required.
The map can contain as many checkpoint as needed.
Added on: 29th December 2010, 13:09
Downloads: 783
Comments: 0 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 2 users.
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: Sprites. (complain/suggest)