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wkIndiMask - Interactive w4w by Cueshark

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Type: WxW Shopper
Size: 1920 x 696, 20KB

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Tags: w4w wxw wkindimask rubberworm



This can be played as a regular shopper or w4w but I strongly recommend downloading wormkit and the wkIndimask module to get the best from this map.

Note #2
Don't forget to make your shopper scheme without the indestructible setting. Or use my scheme attached.

IndiMask w4w - Interactive Shopper

I've made this a kind of interactive map where materials act like in real life.

You can destroy fragile things like grass and flowers with even the smallest of explosion. But the soil underneath will require a larger explosion say from a dynamite or sheep.

You can shoot one of my poor supersheep in the head and you'll leave a carcass behind. But the bones are a bit tougher and will again require a larger explosion.

There's hidden sections which you may find. A wall may be fragile and reveal a new plop or hide. Or perhaps a hidden message.

Stone is obviously indestructible, as are most of the outer walls. Some of the wood I had to make indestructible in places otherwise it would have been waaaay to ploppy, but other than that it's pretty consistent.

Obviously the graphics can't be anti-aliased so they look quite simple but I've tried to improve the graphics as best I could.

Hope you enjoy guys.

And more thing. LEAVE MY SUPERSHEEPS ALONE!!!! (especially the sleeping one)

How to Play IndiMask Shopper.

Ok, so you've got the latest 0.31 version of worms.

1) You will need wormkit.
Follow this link and to the download button on the left and install Wormkit into your Worms Armageddon folder.

2) You may as well get the latest Rubberworm module.

Direct link:

Just drop it into your worms armageddon folder.

3) Then you will need the latest IndiMask module.

Extract that into your worms armageddon folder.

Now all you will need to do is run wormkit and you will be able to load the map and scheme with no problem.

Added on: 19th January 2011, 04:50
Downloads: 4085

Comments: 5 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.

Worth: 5 EXP

Features: Original. (complain/suggest)