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LeTotalKiller's Bow and Arrow map #1 by LeTotalKiller

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Type: Bow & Arrow
Size: 2000 x 2000, 226KB

Tags: weapons, worms, stuffs for BG, all my sprites, com



Here is my 1st Bow and Arrows map.

Lot of sprites that I used are here. There are 64 weapons icon, 3 worms, a TV, a cup, a weapon crate and a health crate (the H. Crate was took from a xSQDxDUPx Shopper map).

On down, there is a paiting, Ideal City. We don't know exactly its author (people thought for Piero Della Francesca, then for Luciano Laurana and now people think for Francesco di Giorgio Martini). But because we think that the author died since more than 70 years, I set the painting in the map.

Added on: 29th January 2011, 10:23
Downloads: 239

Comments: 0 (read/write)

Worth: 2 EXP

Features: Unimaginative, Sprites. (complain/suggest)

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