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Trick WxW by drakee, SiD

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Type: Trick Race
Size: 2192 x 864, 98KB
Tags: wxw tricks trickrace warmer

Trick wxw by Drake and SiD
This map is designed for advanced ropers and combines trickrace and wxw in one map. Its initial purpose is to enforce TBA rule (Trick Before Attack) along with routine WxW rules.
The trick names are embedded in the walls and the player should try performing them while going for the actual walls. Me and SiD played it with 5 TBA but you can specify your own number or play it as a normal WxW. Can be used as a warmer too!
35 sec scheme with no fall damage is recommended.
Enjoy! :)
Added on: 1st March 2011, 15:32
Downloads: 1267
Comments: 16 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 9 users.
Worth: 5 EXP
Features: Good graphics. (complain/suggest)