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tower ERROR404 "SKUNK" by Bundy974, ERROR404(themapcreator)

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Type: Tower Race
Size: 3232 x 22880, 4619KB



-ERROR404 HAVE MAKE THIS MAP and i have design it

-its not really a tower because you cant plop...its a vertical bigrr :)

-i funny map but hard map ,

you gonna have to pass one very hard climb at half of the map :)(very big)

all good player have like ALL the map have been tester and approved ,

ONLY a player named "SKUNK" have quit the game it after TWO try on the big climb....:=)
(ps: skunk maybe if you training hard you gonna pass that climb on day ;p)

- "bitch way" for people who cant pass the climb :) hf gl

-start bottom center HF&GL

Added on: 10th March 2011, 23:42
Downloads: 467

Comments: 7 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 2 users.

Worth: 3 EXP

Features: Adult. (complain/suggest)