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Paint Race v1.0 by :ALEX:

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Type: Other
Size: 5760 x 1280, 59KB
WSC file:

Tags: painter, brush, modules, wormkit, map, alex

The Idea was born when I looked at this map #17232 .Thx to SiD.
What requirements:
W.A Update, link removed - NoCD (If require), Wormkit module and PX package with this scheme.
Download that all in one Folder.
How to install:
1) Launch Update and install him.
2) Put WA.exe into your directory of the game (confirm replace)
3) Open Wormkit archive and put all content into your directory of the game.
4) Open PX archive and open folder, put all content into your directory of the game.
5) Downloaded scheme you need to put into PXSchemes folder, wich you taked from PX archive.
6) After that you need to Run the game and minimize her.
7) You will see a little window , thats allows you to choice downloaded scheme.
8) Put Paint_Race_By_ALEX.wsc scheme in the game (offline or online) and choice Paint_Race_By_ALEX.png map.
9) Enjoy !
Video demonstration on how to play:
1) Start to Finish with Paint Brush Tool (touch FINISH word) !
2) You may start to draw only from red dots (if you reached their) (See Video).
3) You may draw only when you walking fast (with attached Util) (As on Video).
4) You can't harms of your friend otherwise you skip one turn.
5) If you get deadlock you may erase them and go again.
6) Put your worm on side of your colour of team.
7) 2 worms in team is maximum.
8) Teleport your worm on place where you lost one worm.
9) Go only from arrows.
10) You can't to draw all time straight line.
Rules in short:
1) StF (Start to Finish)
2) DfD (Draw from Dots)
3) NSL (No Stright Lines)
Map details:
1) 64 colours
2) Background: Desert
3) Map Size: 5760x1280 pxls.
Fun Guarantied !
Added on: 11th March 2011, 14:03
Downloads: 157
Comments: 3 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: None. (complain/suggest)