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The Multi-Sheep Empire - Sheep Race by Cueshark

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Type: Other Rubber
Size: 6000 x 6272, 5015KB
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Tags: sheep race rubber worm sheep glitch monarchy consp

Welcome to the Multi-sheep Empire!
To introduce you to the world of multi-sheeping, I have made a short video guiding you through the map along with sheep launch instructions.
In essence, this is more enjoyable than normal sheeping because you fly multiple sheep simultaneously which looks damn cool and it requires a different kind of skill which takes a little getting used to but is really fun.
• First you will train yourself in the art of multi-sheeping.
• Then you will protect the universe against an alien threat.
• Next perform a massive air display involving a possible 100+sheep flying in perfect unison
• Land on the airstrip or take on the bonus stage.
• Uncover a conspiracy within the multi-sheep empire's monarchy (optional)
The final level of this map is pretty darn insane with two possible ending so that all skill levels can complete this map.
This map has given me some great ideas on how to proceed with the story line with some cool new ideas for sheep racing with multiple sheep. I hope that you all enjoy the concept and the map itself.
Thanks to Lacoste who designed the sheep launchers and a couple of other people who helped me test the difficulty level.
Enjoy :<
Added on: 4th April 2011, 02:17
Downloads: 395
Comments: 7 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 4 users.
Worth: 7 EXP
Features: Elaborate, Original. (complain/suggest)