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TheOnlyisWayUP by Djoszee

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Type: Other
Size: 3840 x 696, 858KB

Tags: normal, intermediate, hysteria, kaos, teams, djosz


 4.00 (2)
 4.50 (2)
 6.00 (1)

Please dowload it to see the map in it's full potential :)

A map with various handmate patterns, and some gradients. I exported a few maps from the editor and combined them into this. It is split into two parts: red and blue. The blue part has more land, but the most crates will land on the red part.

See what you want to use it for, it has multiple possibilities:
- normal
- hysteria
- kaos
- anything teamed

Have fun and leave some feedback (should I make some more?)
btw tx to :ALEX: for the inspiration/motivation :)

Added on: 13th April 2011, 19:40
Downloads: 330

Comments: 2 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 3 users.

Worth: 3 EXP

Features: None. (complain/suggest)