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Inspiration Wxw by -Katie-

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Type: WxW Shopper
Size: 1920 x 768, 81KB

Tags: Tight, Funky



Decided to make a Wxw that would be both challenging and engaging to both pros and amateurs alike. The wall passages are not uniform but the entire map was made on a grid to give some uniformity to the three "sections" of this map ( photoshop: View->show all-> grids. then Ctrl+K for settings)

Ever pixel is 100% brand new created by myself including the flowers, the map label and the hides. the hides and the blocker are made in Xuliz Style and it took me ages to work out how he did it:)

From the start i was adamant about not using a single sprite, and wanted the Wxw layout to be different from others i have done.. Unfortunately in doing this and working at 400-500x magnification i made an error. Even with the grid on i did make this map just a little too tight, and using any obstacles besides landmines is not reccomended.

This problem could not be rectified without destroying the map and my graphics, so i proceded to clean it up as much as possible.

Using the grid and through testing, i found there are some awesome spots that make doing touchdowns very fun indeed, and this map may appeal more to the TTRR players out there rather than the average roper.



Added on: 26th April 2011, 18:53
Downloads: 251

Comments: 7 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.

Worth: 3 EXP

Features: Tight. (complain/suggest)

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