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Simple Shopper #2 by -Katie-

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Type: Shopper
Size: 1920 x 768, 145KB

Tags: City, Shopper



I wanted to make a shopper that was simplistic as possible with no sprites or extra graphics. My aim was not only to appeal to newbies or those who are shouting "shooooooooooooooperrrrr" in A.G, but also to pros who can appreciate a fast moving map.

My inspiration was the shopper maps of old like "Baka" and "Asylumjim" others including the maps by SQDxD1ksqu4d (now DMxD1ksqu4d)

To create the "city" i used a font, known as Antiquatas which is based on the writings of the Ancients : Wiki ->

I used a stone layering filter to create the lovely stone body of the map, and i simple but effective stroke of the inner perimiter cleaned it up.

Again, like some of my other maps, this map is tighter, only utilizing 80% of the full 1920x768 pixels, and as per usual the best resolution for this map is 1920x1080, however it is still funky on the 3 or so resolutions below 1920x1080



Added on: 26th April 2011, 18:53
Downloads: 175

Comments: 6 (read/write)

Worth: 2 EXP

Features: Unimaginative. (complain/suggest)

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