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Nocturnal Visitation by BlazeNext-Gen

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Type: Other
Size: 1400 x 800, 245KB
Tags: enigmatic, android, rocket, landscape

Extraterrestrial Voyage solo-map, mostly fits schemes revolving around moderate, unextended weapon stock.
When the moon is on the wave,
And the glow-worm in the grass,
And the meteor on the grave,
And the wisp on the morass;
When the falling stars are shooting,
And the answer'd owls are hooting,
And the silent leaves are still
In the shadow of the hill,
Shall my soul be upon thine,
With a power and with a sign.
Though thy slumber may be deep,
Yet thy spirit shall not sleep;
There are shades which will not vanish,
There are thoughts thou canst not banish;
By a power to thee unknown,
Thou canst never be alone;
And for ever shalt thou dwell
In the spirit of this spell.
Added on: 25th May 2011, 21:10
Downloads: 194
Comments: 1 (read/write)
Worth: 2 EXP
Features: Not-so-good graphics. (complain/suggest)